Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sprouted Grains

Good Afternoon,

We are back with a quick how-to article on Sprouting Grains.  There are many views and ways to go about Sprouting Grains, this is just one of the many.  Grains has many nutritional and enzymatic qualities that increase significantly with the sprouting process.  One of the most obvious is the sweetness in the flavor and the aroma that occurs.

For this example, I have used 7 lbs of Wheat Berries, 3.5 lbs of Cracked Wheat, and 3.5 lbs of 7 grain mix (wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, buckwheat and flax).  For home use,  do not use this large amount of grain, you will have far too much to use!  Bring it down to maybe 1lb of Wheat Berries, 1/2 lb of Cracked Wheat, 1/2 lb of 7 grain mix.   In other instances, I have used just Wheat Berries and a 9 grain mix.

MEP to Start:
1. Container with a lid
2. 100 degree Water
The amount of water depends on the amount of grains used.  You want to add 120% of your grain grain weight in water.  So if you are using 2 lbs of grains you will use 2 lbs 6 oz of 100 degree water.
Once the water is scaled out, add it to your grains and stir it around a little.  After it is all combined, just place the lid on and let it sit.  We will leave the grains soaking for two days in the same water.  So, make sure to put it in a safe place that will stay at room temp for two days.

This picture is an example of where NOT to put the grains for two days!  The oven is unsafe because of the burners and also the drastic change in temperature when the oven or stove is turned on!

Check the grains after Day 1 is complete, remembering to use all of your senses!  The mixture should of changed in the way it smells and feels.  You should be able to instantly smell the sweetness coming from the grains.  The water should also be cloudy and have a grimy feel to it.  Place the lid back on and wait another day!

Day 2 has finally arrived!  I know, it seems like an eternity of waiting but I want to assure you that it is well worth it.
The first thing we want to do today is observe the grains again.  Once you have observed and made sure to use all your senses, it is time to drain the grains.  You can use a colander for this or another type if fine strainer.  Just make sure that the holes are not too large to let the grains run through.  We need the grains to drain for 30 minutes.  Maybe you can set a timer and then go for a quick jog?

After the jog, or the 30 minutes is over we are going to run water over the grains until the water becomes clear.  This is one step you do not want to rush, because if it is not rinsed long enough it will hold onto a bitter flavor.  It will take a few minutes, just make sure the water comes through clear.

Now that the grains are rinsed we want to let them dry for 2 hrs before we grind them.

MEP for Grinding:
1. Meat Grinder, Food Processor
2. Bags for storage

Depending on the size of the food processor you are using, only grind a few pounds at a time.  In the one In the one I was using, I filled the container with 1 1/2 lbs of grains.  Allow the grains to grind for at least 30 seconds or so, enough time to make sure all the grains have been ground.  You are not going to want a smooth mixture, just a uniformly ground mixture.  After grinding, place the grains in ziplock bag and freeze unless you are using them immediately.  As you can tell by the picture, this process will be messy.

There you have it!  Once I have done a little more research I will have a short article on the benefits and qualities of Sprouted Grains.  I should also have a few pictures of some finished products we will be testing this week. 
Have a Wonderful Day!

Bake That Bread,


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